This is a movement to help leaders like YOU create awesome tech and manufacturing businesses!
It is based on proven frameworks to enable you and your business to thrive. There are three parts to The Revolution: The Model, The Opal Mindset, and The 5 Must Get Right items for any business.
Why Do I Need a Revolution?
Far too many leaders are struggling to grow the business of their dreams and have a personal life, too. They are often overwhelmed with fighting fires and spend their time deeply immersed in the day-to-day minutiae instead of working on their business. They know where they want to go, but are struggling to get there. We are here to help leaders like you!
We know there is a better way to create incredible businesses and have a life you love, too!
It involves a formula consisting of intentional decisions to develop clear plans that are safely executed and iterated upon continuously.
Our formula leads to desired outcomes such as…
Decisions made are aligned with the core purpose and values of the business and attract curious and collaborative people who want to help you grow the organization of your dreams.
We believe in leadership operating with transparency and encouraging team members to learn about their business and their customers continuously. Teams collaborate to form plans that envigorate the company towards its’ biggest goals. They are quick to iterate and always strive to keep the good of the company first.
We believe in teams comprised of aligned individuals who are excited to do their part in helping the company reach its goal. Team members are excellent team players and are part of a psychologically safe environment.
We believe in leadership sharing accountability and responsibility with the team. We help you develop an environment where everyone works hard, and they are excited to come to work each day. Employees are praised and rewarded for their hard work.
We believe these businesses are the future. The ones that will lead the pack in developing distinctive cultures and in delivering results.
We believe we get there together, and everyone can be part of the solution if they are willing to bring the right mindset and work ethic to make a difference.
The Model

The Opal Mindset
Opals represent positive feelings and creativity. They are referred to as the luck stone. Each opal has its own kaleidoscope of unique colors and characteristics, just like the best companies.

The 5Ps Every Business Must Get Right
Purpose– there must be a clear purpose and vision established with a psychologically safe culture
People– the right people in the right seats aligned to the purpose
Plan– strategic execution plan to accomplish the short and long term goals and move the company closer to its ultimate purpose
Perform– the right team with the right plan following the right routines with the ability to iterate and reach the goal
Praise– teams are rewarded for their hard work and achievements in the way they want to receive praise