The Five Steps to Achieve the Impossible

“It always seems impossible until it is done”- Nelson Mandella.

I met with a leader last week that was overwhelmed. They are new to the organization and struggling to figure out how to accomplish their priorities.

👉 We made a list of everything they are trying to accomplish this quarter.

👉 We went back and then talked through the smaller steps that must be done to accomplish their goal.

👉 We assigned dates to each of the steps.

👉 We created metrics so they could visibly show their progress every day.

👉 We input this all into an accountability tool their teams uses every day so everyone can see what the other is doing and hold each other accountable.

At the end of the call, the person was so thankful. They felt the impossible now seemed possible.

They had clarity on what needed to be done to reach their goals.

They understood the steps they needed to take every day to accomplish their priorities.

They had metrics in place to track their progress.

What are you staring at this week that seems impossible?

Use this process to turn your impossible to possible.

And if you are stuck, let’s hop on a call and walk through it together.