Today is July 1st. Have you set you Q3 Goal?

It is officially July 1st, and the second half of the year begins today! I am a big believer in setting both personal and professional goals for the quarter, and I made a template so you can, too. Setting a goal allows me to be clear about my intentions and provides accountability for myself and …

My Silly Dog Max and Change

My dog Max didn’t eat anything on Saturday. I knew it was hot outside, and I wrote it off to that being the issue. The next morning I went into the kitchen, and he stood there at the entrance of it, looking at me as if he was trying to tell me something. I realized …

What is your organization’s Q3 Goal?

Q2 or the first half of the year is just days from being over.  Have you sat down and outlined what the Q3 priority is for your organization? Many organizations I have spoken with have been keeping their heads down to keep the lights on.  The goals set for 2020 are likely, not accurate for …

Your Mindset Matters

The topic of mindset is one I did not understand or believe mattered.  I am naturally a very positive but realistic person.  I had used some visualization and mindset techniques with sports in the past, but I didn’t realize the wrong mindset could have such a limiting effect on people until about a year ago. …

What Your Team Need to Hear Every Day

Oh Corona virus, how many ways can you rock our world? In times like these, it is so easy to feel stuck. Some are overwhelmed with working full time and trying to teach their children. Others are stuck a bit in analysis paralysis on what to do. The usual path taken is not open. The …

Are your meetings turning into meeting stew?

With everyone working from home and Zoom meetings being the new norm, meetings are starting to run together. In other words, the morning check-in suddenly is talking about a finance issue without the right players on the call. Maybe the sales meeting all of a sudden is covering a new idea for the IT team …

Agile and E-learning

As everyone is embarking on e-learning, I have been amazed at the resourcefulness of the teaching community. It goes without being said these teachers have had to step up and be agile to figure out how to move their classrooms and students online. As I have been watching this week, I have drawn many similarities …

Overeating during self-isolation?

I was on an Instagram live chat the other night with Jon Acuff, and he used the phrase “Pivot, Don’t Pringle.” I laughed and thought, wow, isn’t that the truth! If your family is anything like mine, the baked goods have been flowing since self-isolation began. July bodies are made in April in May, though, …