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Applesauce making process

Why We Missed Our Applesauce KPI This Year

It’s a tradition to make applesauce from scratch at our home. We started doing this when I was a little girl, and I always treasure the experience of making it with my kids. There is something special about getting applesauce out of the freeze for the next year that we made ourselves. We have made …

Schedule Your Annual Planning Session Today

Why Your Business Needs The Right Map.

We visited a pumpkin patch this weekend, complete with a corn maze and all the fun things children love. Upon checking in and showing our tickets, we were given a map to the corn maze. They shared it would take roughly an hour. Little did we know, the map was just something randomly printed off …

Count Your Wins

I ran on Saturday, and I was frustrated with my results. I started to get mad at myself and mentally beat myself up. I caught myself, though, and stopped myself in the process. I had to remind myself that before the pandemic, I was not a runner. I have come a long way over the …

Is Your Aeroscreen in Place?

Spencer Pigot will go down in history for having the most severe crash at the Indy 500 in 2020 and as the driver who tested out the new Aeroscreen required for all Indy cars. The Aeroscreen’s job is to protect the driver’s head and upper torso area in an open-cockpit race car. If you missed …

What Your Business and Racing Have In Common

For many, the pinnacle of the Summer is watching IRL cars fly around a track at nearly 240mph at the Indianapolis Speedway. It’s not simply the race that draws people in, but the environment that completes the experience – the wind blowing your hair as the cars rush by, the smell of burnt rubber tires, …

Ready to rev your organizational engines?

As preparations are made for the running of the 104th Indy 500, this morning the much-anticipated reveal of this year’s Pace car was announced: a beautiful, “torch” red, 2020 Chevrolet Corvette, capable of accelerating from 0-60mph in a mere 2.9 seconds. With 495 horsepower, it’s well-suited in its’ position to lead the start of the …

Routine: The Key to Success

As we are entering back to school season, I am thinking about the power of routine. A routine or habit is the small things we do every day that lead to results and the secret to successful outcomes. For some, that is a specific morning routine to set your day up for success. In my …