Count Your Wins

I ran on Saturday, and I was frustrated with my results. I started to get mad at myself and mentally beat myself up. I caught myself, though, and stopped myself in the process. I had to remind myself that before the pandemic, I was not a runner. I have come a long way over the past six months. The run that felt horrible to me was something I could not have even accomplished three months ago. I had to give myself a reality check and count my wins.

I don’t know about you, but giving myself credit or counting wins is not something that comes naturally to me. The research will tell you that you will stay motivated to reach your goals if you celebrate small victories. I realize a win can look very different for everyone over the last eight months or so. I encourage you to take the time to today to count them, though. A win can be as simple as you drank enough water this week or paid your bills on time. It may be your put in X number of job applications this week. If you lead a team, I want you to make sure you recognize the team’s wins and the individuals on your teams win, too. As hard of a year as it has been, we all need to celebrate even the small accomplishments.

I know you have been working hard to do the best you can for yourself, your families, and your teams. I encourage you to take a minute and count your wins. Success is a series of small wins. I am rooting for you, and I would love for you to share your victories with us here, too. Let’s celebrate together!