My Unforgettable Incident with Headspace

I was panic-stricken!

I was washing my hair, and I felt something move 😳

A tick had been feasting on my scalp!

I pulled it out of my hair and flushed it down the toilet.

I tried to forget it happened, but I had a swollen glad that reminded me it did.

Three days later, I talked to my doctor and started an antibiotic to prevent infection.

What is your tick?

Your tick is a situation in your past that is still taking up space in your head. It is keeping you from being your best version of you.

Ticks show up as damaged relationships, commitments not upheld to ourselves or others, or trauma. Anything that has happened you can’t seem to move past is a candidate.

What do you need to do this week to clear your headspace?

✅ Mend a relationship that is weighing on you

✅ Set up a time to honor a commitment to yourself or someone else

✅ Allow yourself to move past getting an apology you will never receive

✅ Set up a time to talk to a mental health professional to work through some trauma that you are harboring.

No matter the situation, give yourself the gift of taking the time to work through it so you can show up, lead, and serve as your best self. The world awaits the great things you will accomplish!