
Who Really is Your Core Customer?

But I wanted cookies…

The words from the youngest Walters child as I was making granola bars over the weekend.

Followed by the middle Walters asking for whatever it is to be vegan friendly.

I think through what I am doing and iterate and modify the recipe to meet the requests. I had the time and resources on hand to complete these requests, but in the business world, this wouldn’t have worked.

The question I would have had to answer is what does my core customer want?

Your core customer is who will buy your product at an optimal profit, according to Robert Bloom.

The core customer is one person, not an industry or market segment.

Your core customer should even have a name. Every decision your business or product makes needs to factor in their opinion.

Amazon has gone as far as leaving an open seat in their meetings to factor in their core customer. Most of us want to please everyone by nature.

Before we say “yes” to the latest request, though, we must factor in if this request is something our core customer would find valuable.

Who is your core customer?

What’s their name?

Are you inviting them to the table when you make decisions? #corecustomer #product #leadership #decisions #management